Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Baby Girl!

Yesterday Brynlee's school class was having a penny day, that's where all the kids take 5o pennies and 10-20 items to sell in class. As I was putting her shoes on she asked me if I was for sell? I said no why? She said I had a price sticker on my foot, I guess one had fell off something and I stepped on it. Anyways, she asked me again if I was for sell, I asked why? She replied, cuz if you are then I am going to buy you and keep you forever! I had to just squeeze her and tell her how much I love her. That made my day!!! Sometimes she says the cutest things, other days I want to pull my hair out! :0)


Amber said...

How cute is she! That's precious. Don't they say the cutest things? I love being a mom. Hope all is well!

West said...

That is soo cute!! I can kind of see Tayton being a lot like her! they are both spit fires! (:

Janette said...

She is so cute and too smart for her age. Can't wait to see you guys again

Merrill's said...

Kids say the cutest things. You are smart to post what she said - you will always remember it!